Texas Czech Genealogical Society
Texas Czech genealogical Society

Membership Join

Membership Dues
  • Individual: $35.00 -- payable annually.
  • Household Couple: $60.00 -- payable annually.
    Membership dues are renewed each year on your anniversary date.
  • Lifetime: $500.00 -- payable annually over a five-year period.
  • Sustaining Membership: $50.00 -- Individuals wishing to strengthen TCGS with increased yearly dues.
  • Friends of TCGS: $100.00 annually. (i.e., Business)
  • Legacy Partner: $1000.00 -- payable per individual with a pledge of $100.00 per year for 5 years with paid-up Lifetime Membership serving as a base $500.00 payment.
or pay online at: 
Benefits of Membership
Membership is open to individuals at all levels of genealogical experience. Meeting with others who share an interest in genealogy is fun as well as informative.
Annual meetings are held in January of each year and a brief business session is part of an all-day speakers' event.
Meetings and events are open to the public.
Our quarterly newsletter, Ceske Stopy, is normally published in March, June, September and December. It contains articles of interest to researchers on a variety of current topics specific to Texas Czechs, announces future programs, and provides helpful hints on computer research. TCGS will email our monthly newsletter - Ceske Oznameni (Oz) to our members who use email; Members without email will receive a copy by regular mail. The Oz will also be posted on the TCGS Website.
The Texas Czech Genealogical Society Website provides members and guests with a variety of information. Much of this information is in the Members Log-In area and will be expanded over time.
Website: Secure Members Only Area
  • Members have access by using their personal user name and private password.
  • Real-time member contact information is available.
Website:  Events Calendar – searchable events including:
  • Society-sponsored events with dates and locations listed.
  • Workshops, seminars, and meetings of other societies in Texas and nationwide.
Website: Surname List – searchable surname list with option of private email contact with TCGS researcher.
  • All current members of TCGS are invited to submit a listing of surnames they are researching for display in Surname Research on our website.
  • Surnames and places are spelled exactly as each member requests, which may lead to multiple entries if the surname or location has been found to be spelled various ways. No first names are included but many times alternative spellings are connected with the entry.
  • Members have the responsibility to reply directly to the email requestor that requested ancestor information.
For more information, email us at   membership@txczgs.org.